Nova EUropa proposes a federation of the six EU founding states plus Austria to form a core European state, the "European Republic", which would then be as a common state a member of the European Union.
- This European Republic would comprise states that have grown together over many decades since the Second World War to an economic and cultural area. Economically they are on a similar level, with a similar level of prosperity and - despite some differences - similar economic policies - namely a market economy in which the state plays a role as a regulator and as an active player. In this state, only four languages would be spoken, French, German, Italian and Dutch, similar to Switzerland - which has grown together to one nation despite four languages.
- Due to the accession of France the European Republic would be a nuclear power and a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. It would have the potential for massive armament and for acting on par with the United States. The European Republic would be a world power and thus a strong protector and a reliable ally of the smaller EU member-states. The European Republic would be able to pursue its own national interests independently from the USA and to enforce them against third-countries in its neighbourhood. It could legitimately insist on being a leading power within NATO on an equal footing with the USA.
- The proposed states face similar challenges. One major challenge is the abuse of asylum law for illegal immigration to Europe, to which the European states and the EU are helplessly exposed. Through diplomatic influence, which would be backed not only by economic but also military power the European Republic would be able to enforce that asylum must be applied for in the first safe third-country and that rejected asylum seekers are taken back by their home countries.
- Political Islam and associated parallel- and counter-societies pose a threat to our secular, enlightened model of society. People who oppose Europe's values, such as equal rights for men and women, or are even hostile to them, anti-Semites or people who opposes Israel's right to exist, should not get permission to stay in Europe. A powerful European Republic would be able to enforce this more successfully than even big European states, e.g. in case of deportations of criminals to their home country. Ultimately, a bundle of measures is needed to achieve success in roll-back of Political Islam. One of these measures is to follow the model of French laicism and to ban all forms of gender-apartheid from state institutions, particularly schools and universities.
- The greatest threat for mankind is the impending climate catastrophe - as despite all international assurances and agreements, we are heading towards global warming of 2.8 degrees. Europe alone will not be able to save the world with its energy transition. We need more pragmatism and less ideology and fanaticism! The world climate conferences with over 190 countries are clearly not the right format. A conference of the members of the UN Security Council and the largest greenhouse gas emitters and territorial states would probably be more promising. Realism and pragmatism are also required regarding nuclear power plants – currently Europe cannot do without electricity generation by nuclear power plants, at least as bridge-technology. Research on innovative reactor technologies that pose no danger to people and environment and where no deep geological repository of radioactive waste is necessary - such as fusion technology - should be driven forward.
- The reactivation of the "Union for the Mediterranean" and its expansion by all secular-orientated African- and Middle-East-states should be combined with a Marshall Plan of unprecedented dimensions. By this Marshall Plan ecologically compatible projects in the areas of infrastructure, agriculture, industry and education should be financed. By financing solar- and wind power plants, green hydrogen could be produced – its export to Europe could create a sustainable source of export earnings. The Euro Marshall Plan would create life perspectives – increasing prosperity and the educational initiatives would reduce birth rates and migration and promote secularisation.
- Europe needs a re-industrialisation, especially regarding the pharmaceutical industry, semiconductor production and the production of photovoltaic panels. Dependence from strategic rivals is unacceptable. Imports must be diversified and trade routes militarily protected. Strategically important infrastructure and companies must remain in European ownership – European governments must therefore have the right to prohibit disposals of infrastructure and company shares. For infrastructure and company shares which have already been sold compulsory repurchasing must be possible. An active industrial policy is also a must! To prevent American or Chinese global monopolies, the creation of European champions is of strategic interest, particularly in the defence sector as well as in the aircraft industry (Airbus) and the digital infrastructure sector.
- State financing of necessary projects will require enormous financial means, which will have to be raised primarily through taxes. Eco-taxes with a steering effect are necessary but not a sustainable source of funding, as – due to the steering effect – their revenue is constantly decreasing. Profits and income must be taxed where the added value is generated, not at the formal company headquarters. Furthermore, the business model of tax havens must be destroyed. Their governments must be forced to cooperate and large capital assets must be repatriated from tax havens and taxed in an appropriate dimension.
None of this can be realised by medium-sized European states either - they are in "location competition" and are therefore not able to actively pursue economic policy - the anonymous market forces, especially those of the financial markets, are decisive. A large state, such as the proposed European Republic, could restore the primacy of politics over the economy. Production in this large state and large market with highly qualified workers has advantages that far outweigh any higher taxes and wages. Market access can also be made dependent on production in the European Republic (e.g. for the defence industry) or in the European Union. And finally, due to its power, a European Republic could put an end to unfair low-tax policies both in the EU and in previous tax havens. - The European Republic's ability to act also depends on its internal structure. As this state would be composed of seven federal states, each with its own independent parties, a government-system based on the Westminster model would be characterised by instability. A European Republic would have to be structured more along the lines of the US- or French model: a strong President who is able to act in matters of foreign policy, who is directly elected by the citizens and who heads the Council of Ministers. The Parliament should consist of a Chamber of Deputies, in which each deputy represents approximately the same number of citizens, and a Senate, in which each federal state is represented by two senators.
If statesmen - above all in France, Germany and Italy – can be inspired for this idea, who also convince the citizens due to their authority – then a core European state, this European Republic, can become reality through the union of its founding states. The alternative is an increasingly powerless Europe that is a plaything of the financial markets and the global powers or an American bridgehead in Eurasia.
A European Republic that pursues the policies outlined here would give the citizens of this Republic and the whole European Union faith in a better future. This would mobilise forces that favour the achievement of the goals described. A European Republic would be a world power and could exert a positive influence on its neighbourhood and on the other world powers. Together, the world can be made a place remaining worth living in for future generations. And if the European Republic is successful, the enthusiasm of its citizens will – despite speaking four different languages – lead to a development that the nations forming this state will see themselves increasingly as one single nation.